I’ll start by addressing one of the most difficult questions a Christian encounters, that is whether one who is not Christian makes it into heaven. The answer here comes into the discussion on eschatology, but the answer is yes, but the system for determining entry is based on different principles. I’ll drive home the pragmatic reasons for why Christ is necessary, but in a quick summary, Christians will be judged according to their works but be united in a faith that recognizes a lack of personal capacity, anchored in humility and love. However, the Great White Throne judgment still asserts that non Christian believers will also be judged according to their works (most likely by the laws they adhered to and compatibility with God’s order), which entails that non-Christian believers will make it to the next phase of existence (Matthew 25:35-40).
So the question then becomes, why does Christ become necessary for salvation? Why did he die a horrible death? What biblical principles were necessary for His fate? Funny enough, the answer begins in Genesis 3:14-19 with Adam and Eve. The curse of the Tree of Knowledge was that man would die, Eve was to be subservient to Adam and painfully bear children, and Adam was to painfully work until death. How then was death to be conquered, for no other option would eternal life be available or even conceived? Well, God had to take the curse on himself, and reverse the knowledge of evil out of man. He did that in Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ represented the archetype of perfection in emotional, moral, spiritual, psychological, and other realms. He was God’s Son, so obviously it was part of his nature. What people seem to miss is what he represented. He had all power, but took no glory. He knew all things, but chose to help people and share wisdom. He didn’t find joy in the daily tasks, but sought joy in knowing he would be united with His Father. However, being fully man, he also knew the nature and consequences of all his actions. He knew of the shadow and the capacity for evil. He taught to look at intentions more so than actions, and patterns of actions before judgment. He taught in parables and brought about many paradoxical teachings. The sermon on the mount (Matthew 5-7) is a great example, where the message was about turning the other cheek to an enemy, showing unsubstantiated love, and being an example rather than a practitioner. He was oftentimes much harsher on the Jews because they knew the laws, but rather than understanding the intent, they idolized the rules and missed the pragmatism of their creation.
Prior to Christ, many sought gnosis, or personal spiritual enlightenment. In essence, they would be their own gods and save themselves through their conduct, intellect, or control of various spiritual forces. These practices are still seen in many esoteric groups today, as they believe the Law of One and the Great Work (making everything the same) can be done. However, Christ put a halt to that , living purely in an unclean world, being the only one in existence who could effectuate such a plan. Ironically, if Freemasons or other esoteric believers understood what the Great Work would have done, all existence would have essentially turned into nothing. Good thing no one prior to Christ could have accomplished the task and essentially set the sorting pattern God established in Revelation (which is consistent with the Enochian account, albeit non-canonical).
Jesus represented reversals in many forms. God reversed his curse, death was no longer the modus operendi. God revealed his character (loving, wise, humble) in a physical presence. The world was sent from Babylon to Mystery Babylon. Confusion was set to two archetypes: Christlike or self indulgence. He even showed the Kingdom of God in the Transfiguration, being the sum of the law and prophets (Moses and Elijah). They will most likely be who come back to get the Jewish people back in check during the time of Jacobs Trouble, as the world will likely try to kill them to avoid judgment (it’s all part of reversals, which will be talked about in a later section). However, faith in Christ is the only way to get away from larger issues with the Great White Throne judgment, as I’d imagine people will be judged by the laws or postures that they judged others. And funny enough, people are most critical of the things they like least about themselves.
Many don’t understand Christ’s death because they see it as horrendous, a contradiction to a loving God, and unnecessary to proving something. But Christ did the Great Work talked about by the esoteric thinkers, he united good and bad and only chose good. The bad got tossed aside and the “be like gods (defining right and wrong personally)” became nullified. There was only one path to true good (Christ and humility) and many to bad (everything else). It would explain why some of Jesus last words were “why have you forsaken me?” which would likely have been the breath of Lucifer recognizing his judgment was now guaranteed with Christ’s actions and why he tends to twist God’s plan in the most negative light imaginable. Christ went on that cross so that God’s Chosen people could live eternally with Him. He took on the world, the twisting of choosing to be his own master, and willingly created a heaven for people like us. Makes me short of breath to think about, but truly excited to be around the only person who I have utmost adoration for. It’s certainly better than the merger hypothesis shown in the Matrix movies and having to constantly reset the code because people aren’t happy with the meaninglessness of daily routines mandated by pride, ego, and self indulgence.
Jesus was the way, the truth, and the life. It’s also the only way to New Jerusalem. You may be in heaven, but you might not be living in God’s city. Jesus was the ideal, who broke the curse of the fall, and provided the path of least resistance to the Father. Unfortunately, one has to release the bonds of identity to accept a Savior and live in humility (which is truly much better when you get there, freedom from excuses, freedom from mindlessness). Hopefully, you find him before it’s too late and you will be judged according to your deeds apart from grace.