Consciousness: The Nature of Reality

Most Christians, or Christian scholars, tend not to delve into this aspect of theology. There is much that is alluded to in the Biblical texts, but most understanding is held by the Gnostics or Christian mystics. I’ve viewed many lectures on artificial intelligence, the nature of consciousness, and the gnostic traditions. While I wouldn’t suggest this for the common Christian, this topic is needed to elaborated for those who bend towards psychology or are more of an engineering type mind.

The nature of reality is based on one simple word, attention. Whether it be sensory, a goal, work, thoughts, you name it; your present state of being is only a matter of your focus or attention. From here, that focus can change based on desire, motivation, creativity, or a question. Nothing done in the physical, mental, spiritual, or other plane of reality can be done without attention and action.

Focus, or what your drive is, carries many similarities to the word worship. Biblical traditions never implied that worshipping God was a one day a week ritual, rather it was a mindset or program of intention. The definition of worship in Webster’s dictionary is reverence to a divine being, an act of expressing reverence, a religious creed or ritual, or extravagant respect or admiration for or devotion to an object of esteem. Reverence is defined as honor, respect, or deference. Thus if you look at Old Testament references to worship, you will see many Psalm references primarily focused on Thanksgiving.

So what is worship? Is it what drives you? It most certainly is. What you revere, what you desire, what attracts your attention is what you worship. Is it God? Is it Christ’s command to love God and your neighbor? Most likely, you are shaking your head no. That’s because like me, you are also guilty, you were raised in a materialistic culture whose set goals of a good job, wife and family, house, and the like were your predestined cultural ideal. Maybe in your spare time, you will play some games, watch a movie, have some beers with your friends, etc. Not that any of those things are inherently bad, but were you thankful for what you have, or the breath you’ve been given, or even the capacity to think? This is where the problems usually start…

People who practice magic or the occult know this truth to be self evident. If you can generate the attention you desire, you can hopefully generate the reverence you desire and therefore manifest the reality you desire. While some use potions (same as medicine), spells (same as marketing), or curses (same as bad intentions), the inherent principles are the same on mental, physical, and spiritual realms. Each have different rules and practices, most certainly, but the same principles are present. So how do you determine what is good and evil?

When I really meditated on Matthew 22:36-40, and started digesting that all of God’s intended reality was loving him and others, I had to re-evaluate everything that I presumed to be self evident. In recognizing that consciousness is merely the focus of my attention, and the command was love without condition, the nature of sin became different. Sin is not a list of dos and do nots, it’s doing actions that are against loving God and others, or simply averting my attention elsewhere. And what does that? It’s merely selfish intentions, when what I want, possess, and desire come at the expense of loving God and others. It’s actually quite simple.

With that frame of reference, I will help Christians see their way out of bad reverence. One good example is the cremation of care ritual that Alex Jones “exposed” many years ago. While the average Christian Will outcry the worship of Moloch (owl god), think of what the cremation of care actually is, your attention. The ritual is an annual gathering designed on how to take away your attention, steal your consciousness in order to manifest their goal. Such studies are a waste of your time, especially if you want to grow spiritually as they not only do global actions, but stole more of your time and attention with their ritual.

Here’s another example. Think of the recent lockdowns, did you avert away from loving God and others, or were you worshiping a fear mothering media that justified draconian lockdowns and the government that defined essential jobs and what you can give your attention? How do they motivate the push for an Emergency use vaccine? Was it allowing you to worship, give attention, to things as you did before you gave it all to the government? Simplifies the understanding of government intentions, since regardless of where you stand on the issue of public health and the vaccine, you worshipped the government at the expense of God’s command most likely.

Thinking is the first way to get out of the matrix around you. Our next topic will go back to truth, and then we will go into collective consciousness and the power of ideology or group thinking. You won’t understand the nature of the reality around you until you can see it simply through. The first step is knowing that your reality is first based on your attention, i.e., what you give your time, energy and thoughts. In most every case, the cause of your present reality and issues are not because you loved God and others, but your attention was averted somewhere else. In most cases, it wasn’t God’s choice or fault.


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