Consciousness: The Nature of Truth

One of the most misleading concepts in the world today is the idea of truth. Truth was defined by Christ in John 14:6, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” While we will address that further in another post, this one will focus on truth as the world defines it.

As defined by Oxford languages, truth is the quality or state of being true, that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality, or a fact or belief that is accepted as true. Hence reality, or that which we give our attention, is often defining our version of truth. Truth is therefore not absolute in this world, but rather relative and defined by our beliefs or our version of reality (what we give attention to). Hence, with truth being subjective there are many conflicts amongst different peoples perceptions of reality.

For example, let’s take two conflicting ideologies. Since this is a biblical blog, I’ll compare naturalism to theism. One worships or defines reality by the bounds of sensory, physical observation (naturalism), while one worships by the concepts of a God defined, spiritual order (theism). The one who is bounded by nature and physical observation will only understand or accept what can be perceived by their senses, while the one who is bounded by spiritual items will understand and accept things by interaction and spiritual connection. Through nature, things like psychology and religion are viewed as mentalism, and can be fixed by medicine and therapy since there is no other issue, while a spiritual observer will be focused on how God would desire living through connections to others. One will essentially view people as commodities (naturalism), while the other will view them as struggling souls that inherently desire love (theism). The concept that a human should love other humans is inconsistent with a natural truth, since there is nothing natural about care and concern for people other than fulfillment of life goals (pleasure, entertainment, comfort, etc.). The only argument for “love” can be based on survival, which is nothing short of commoditization. Hence, our educational system is designed to remove the spiritual connection with people and replace it with commoditization. Why else would you define the people you know as a network, rather than people you care about?

Truth is actually more of an important concept than people give credence. Depending on worldview and perception, the bounds of truth via the world are not uniform, nor universal. Hence our shared reality, or what we give our attention to, are not the same. Utopian dreams have failed because of this, as a universal truth or shared system of perception is necessary for this to be true. The only consistent narrative I have found for life is God (source of life), people (use of life) bounded in mutual love. Granted you would have to have a God that is loving (I would point to Christ who pointed to the Old Testament God), which creates the challenge in many theistic beliefs, but those are part of those peoples truth (which are not universal).

The world as it stands now tends to assert truth through naturalism and socialism through “independent” nation states, but it does not work since naturalism pushes long term to the commoditization of people and the have nots will eventually war with the haves to gain their material well being. Hence there is no long term potential in a class based naturalistic world, regardless of the scoffing belief that society will evolve into something different. The end results are Orwell’s 1984 or Huxley’s Brave New World, or some other dystopian world (Hunger Games, Maze Runner, Terminator, etc.). That or we merge into some sort of technological reality, where the limits are set by the programmers (which essentially eliminates free will). In any case of a naturalistic perspective, the only way to come to a uniform truth is the elimination of free will, which contradicts any argument that atheists make for free will. The same is true of tax systems, God had a flat 10%, the world wants no less than 30%; which is more free? What sells freedom, but costs more?

The second key to understanding consciousness and reality is truth and what constitutes it. Fact patterns are often helpful, but are still subject to naturalistic assumptions. More often than not, people need to understand how someone defines truth to make any meaning out of life (especially without theism or something that helps guide a source of truth). With no source of truth, all current forms of being are guided by individual realities that are guided by people’s attention. It essentially results in war or conflict, as there will always be opposing “truths” when nature is the guide. It’s essentially what enlightened Luciferians and those of the occult use in order to guide the masses as they wish. If people use media as a source of truth, and it’s relative, it’s pretty easy to garner people based on simple psychological manipulations (rewards and punishments). That’s essentially what’s happening now, whether you’re honest enough to realize it. Now we can move onto the nature of tribes and group consciousness, since it’s the next step in understanding the nature of consciousness.


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