Now that we have defined reality and truth, the next step is understanding group consciousness and the power of group ideologies. People wouldn’t have to sell you on an idea if it was self evident. It’s a scary, yet simple truth, which will toss around many of the base assumptions that defined your ego (personal will). I never realized how many of the base assumptions that I grounded my reality upon until I stepped back, released my ego, and evaluated my values and perceptions.
Occultists, marketing professionals, or anyone who is skilled in the art of executing an idea (company, cult, sales team, etc.), understand the importance of making something normal or of desire. In order to gains someone’s reverence and eventually money and use of time, you have to garner the concentration of someone’s attention. It’s quite difficult to do to tons of people on a one off basis; it’s time consuming, challenging, and inefficient. This is where group consciousness and shared reality comes into play.
If you ever want to feel the power of group consciousness, attend a sporting event, musical performance, or a church revival. It’s full of energy based on shared enjoyment and mutual reverence; I find it difficult to imagine a more genuine worship ceremony than that of a college football game or the Olympics. I’ll also say I’ve never seen a sadder form of worship than a mandated conference or a ritual form of worship where someone attends out of obligation rather than desire.
All cults, cultures, and people movements are based on the same principle: establishing a common form of unity which is desired or revered by all targeted participants. It’s how BLM targets susceptible people, using the perception of unfair treatment and need for change (naturalistic sales pitch) to get people to inadvertently subscribe to a socialist ideology which does not value family, identity, or unity beyond the means of overthrowing the existing order (contradictory to the end goal aims of most all the participating folks). In general, most constrained based ideas are sold this way, laws (which defines how you are allowed to live), government surveillance (post 9/11 for safety), or forced tolerance (fake love permitting self seeking behavior, chastised by an “ist” or “ism” label of hate if you do not comply). Ironically, the most hating and freedom opposing people are the ones who define people by their identities, since they place value of what someone can do for them, where they come from, what they look like, or their viewpoint, rather than caring about that person and how they value others.
Think of marketing campaigns, the sales of what defines beauty, what determines status (pride), and what is desirable. They normally target a basic urge and generate the attention (reality) of the people who idolize what they see. The person’s reality then becomes set on attaining the goal (work, money, exercise, attention) to eventually attain the object, which usually results in disappointment since long term joy is never attained in a product that is finite or perishable. The same comes with jobs, relationships, or anything that is deemed successful by culture. Cars break, houses need upkeep, relationships require mutual love and progression, and jobs require new knowledge, approaches and relationships. The physical or natural perception has a limited value proposition, which enables naturally focused people into a hamster wheel of sorts, moving from material goal to material goal, with no essential purpose or value other than the next task they complete.
Group perception or consciousness thereby becomes the anchor of societal control. If one can control the attention and reality of a majority of participants, then one can control the society, the nature of truth, and thereby define good and evil by perception of the participants. While many believe this is the source of freedom, it is actually the opposite, it defines the parameters of acceptable conduct or the rules of the Game of Life. If you step back, how is capitalism any different than the game of Monopoly or politics different than the game of Risk? It truly isn’t, you’ve bound your reality by the rules of a game that you determine as a reality. Controlling you merely requires changing the laws and rules for a desired end result, no different than a complex version of a Hegelian dialectic with two crappy choices (thesis or antithesis) towards an even crappier synthesis (which solves short term issues at even greater long term costs and freedom).
When you bind your reality into a group consciousness, you lend your reality and freedom to those who control the constraints of the group system. Whether you agree with the principles become irrelevant, you become one with the group identity, to act in opposition is unlawful and cannot be tolerated. As you can see, when iterated into narrower and narrower constraints, freedom is essentially lost, and you become defined by identity. Identity controls your intrinsic value (or commodity value) as defined by the collective consciousness. This is where society is driving and people seem to question less and less where it’s heading so long as they gain something material (money, pleasure, etc.). We get trained like domesticated animals and then wonder what the purpose of life really is. It was always simply loving God and others, the source of new experience, joys, and relationships with no bounds. It requires humility and stepping away from identity, but is truly rewarding when you develop spiritually.
As we close out the nature of consciousness, we will start looking at the nature of perception. Perception is the final key to understanding reality around you. It’s often based on ontology, but causes many great misunderstandings among people. People generally assume we approach life in the same manner. That is simply a false assumption grounded in attention, truth and group consciousness, which are by no means universal for most people. It’s why there are thousands of sects across many religions, or views within particular fields of study. It will be helpful if you truly try to empathize with others, or merely gain a leg up in negotiation. It will also help you to evaluate the motives and intrinsic nature of those whom you interact.