Advanced Spirituality: Being Born Again

Whether you believe in the gnostic traditions, the idea of Shiva, or the process of becoming a Christian, the concept of a rebirth is fundamental to many forms of philosophy, religions, or spiritual practices. To the average person, this may seem like foolishness, but to people who understand the need to move in a different direction (either spiritually, mentally or physically), the practice is a necessity to move forward.

In the Mind of Lucifer versus God, I went into the basics of intentionality based on the direction of your spiritual focus (Lucifer or God). The harsh reality is that from the beginning, most every human was set into the dualistic trap that we all seem to get caught up in. Most of life is based on physical perceptions and observations, where social conditioning pushes for tribalistic choices as you make preferences and/or decisions. If you think about it, how is life any different than the game of Life, you pick whether or not to go to school, raise a family, what social engagements to press into, what home/car you select, what things you enjoy…just to name some? But all of those decisions have a physical and societal aspect to them, and in the grand scheme of things, don’t really mean much.

I would compare the mind of man from birth as a computer running on Linux. As a Linux based user, you will eventually have to choose whether your operating system will be Windows or Apple OS, but until you figure out your capacity and preferences, you get a period to experience both. That’s really what this world is, Windows is clunky, error ridden, unstable, but permits a whole lot (mind of Lucifer), while Apple OS is older, less flexible, prone to stability, and permits only programs known to be trustworthy and work (mind of God). Unfortunately, things programmed to operate in either platform are not necessarily consistent with the other and never will be. However, this example leads me back to being reborn.

In the Christian tradition, the process of death and rebirth is part of the salvation process (Christ did it physically, mentally, and spiritually for his followers). The same concept is mirrored along the lines of Shiva. The concept is that in order to move forward or change, you have to die to the way of life that created the misery/destruction that was there prior. In the polytheistic or psychological realms, the focus is on doing this process in a more allegorical sense or personally. In the Christian manner, you move away from a life focused on flesh/temporary life and adopt the Law of Love (love God with all your heart and love others) by dying to the old way of life and being reborn into a new way of life. Unfortunately, most people don’t practice/adhere to the religious concept honestly, or they would better understand what it means. However, you will know that the people focused on evolving systems (Windows/Lucifer) need to “Build Back Better,” while those in the Christian Tradition are more focused on “Returning to Eden.”

The only point that I would close with is that those who anchor in the Mind of Lucifer or God are typically not going to ever change, and it’s the cattle or sheep in the Linux realm that are the source of most of the World’s spiritual warfare. If you tend to struggle in your spiritual walk, the tendency is most likely that you are living no differently than you were prior to learning the spiritual principles. If you ever want to grow spiritually, the process of rebirth is essential as “a slave cannot serve two masters” and “a kingdom divided cannot stand.”


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